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Concussion: Baseline & Post-Injury Assessment

Concussion, sometimes referred to as mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), is a temporary disturbance of brain function that involves a complex pathophysiological process (1). A concussion may be caused by a direct blow to the head or face, but may also occur as a result of an injury to the neck (e.g. whiplash) or elsewhere on the body with the impulsive force transmitted to the head (2). You do not need to lose consciousness ("get knocked out") to have a concussion, with only approximately 10% of concussions involving a loss of consciousness. 


Symptoms people may experience with concussion include headaches, mood and/or behavioural changes (e.g. depression, irritability), ‘fogginess’, memory loss, dizziness, visual changes, slowed reaction times, gait unsteadiness, fatigue and neck pain (1,2). The symptoms of concussion typically resolve spontaneously, where the majority of people can expect a minimum of 1 week to complete the full rehabilitation strategy, but typical unrestricted return to sport can take up to 1 month post-concussion (3). However, in some cases, symptoms can linger beyond the expected time frames (i.e. >1 month) (2,3)


Importantly, recent research suggests that the time for complete recovery may actually take longer than the clinical recovery (i.e. the physiological time for the nervous system to recover may take longer than the resolution of symptoms) (1,2). With no two concussions being exactly the same, it has been stated that there is a need for objective and clinically useful tools for the diagnosis of concussion (1), as well as individualised targeted treatments, directed to the findings identified in the concussion assessment (1,2,3). 

Concussion Baseline Assessment at Optimize Sports Chiropractic

At Optimize Sports Chiropractic, we utilise objective technology to record and quantify an individual's baseline level of symptoms, eye movements, balance, reaction time and cognitive function.

"Initial baseline evaluation including a symptom checklist, cognitive evaluation and balance assessment

has been considered ‘best practice’ for all athletes by the National Collegiate Athletic Association." (1). 

Technology we use for baseline assessment includes:

  • EQ Active Brain Tracking

  • RightEye computerised eye-tracking technology

  • Vestibular First Insight Infrared Video Goggles (VOG)

  • Balance Tracking System (BTrackS) force-plate technology

Once a baseline evaluation has been performed, an individual can decide if they would like to improve areas of deficiencies identified within the assessment, or simply record the progression - or regression - of the different domains. The baseline evaluation then serves as a good reference for individuals in the situation should a concussion occur, as it can help assist with return-to-play decisions (i.e. the health professional involved will be able to better determine an individual's recovery beyond their symptom resolution).


Post-Concussion Injury Assessment at Optimize Sports Chiropractic

Following a suspected - or diagnosed - concussion, at Optimize Sports Chiropractic we will conduct a comprehensive history and perform an extensive, detailed neurological examination including: symptom trajectory; neurocognitive function; reaction time; oculomotor function (eye movements); vestibular function; balance; autonomic function (including exercise tolerance); gait and coordination; as well as a musculoskeletal assessment, with a specific focus on the cervical spine. 

As part of the post-concussion injury assessment, we utilise computerised technology to record and quantify symptoms, neurocognitive function, reaction time, and balance (EQ Active Brain Tracking); oculomotor and vestibular function (Insight Infrared Video Goggles); oculomotor function, vestibular function, and reaction time (RightEye); balance and cervical spine assessment (BTrackS).


If a baseline assessment has previously been conducted, we can provide an individual with a more objective benchmark on which they can compare their complete recovery, assisting in better return-to-play decisions. 

If you have any specific questions, or want to know if we can help, feel free to contact Brett or call our friendly reception staff to schedule a baseline or post-injury consultation.


  1. Harmon KG, Clugston JR, Dec K, et al. Amercian Medical Society for Sports Medicine position statement on concussion in sport. Br J Sports Med. 2019;53:213-25.

  2. McCrory P, Meeuwisse W, Dvorak J, Aubry M, Bailes J, Broglio S, et al. Consensus statement on concussion in sport-the 5th international conference on concussion in sport held in Berlin, October 2016. Br J Sports Med. 2017 Apr 26;0:1–10.

  3. Patricios JS, Schneider KJ, Dvorak J, Ahmed OH, Blauwet C, Cantu RC, et al. Consensus statement on concussion in sport: the 6th International Conference on Concussion in Sport–Amsterdam, October 2022. Br J Sports Med. 2023;57(11):695–711. 

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